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Composition in Two Genres

Composition in Two Genres


This magazine represents the audiences that are split between the positives and the negatives of social media, hence why it’s a controversial topic. 


Rhetorical situation: 

Social media has been taken by storm. Social media has divided audiences because of its effects; it has become a controversial topic. Many believe social media is bad for people and it’s negative in general, while others disagree. Because of disagreements, it has divided up the public. 


I thought a magazine would be a great way to portray my ideas because a magazine would be a visual representation of my topic and convey my ideas through text and a visual representation. Having a visual representation will capture my audience and allow them to quickly go through the claims I am trying to prove. 


I am mainly targeting the general public and senior citizens as my audience, and those who have a little to a lot of relevance to social media. Generally speaking, magazines are popular among the general public and elderly. And since very few senior citizens use social media, I will be able to reach the older population through magazines to convey my ideas and arguments about social media and how it has both positives and negatives just like everything else we use in our everyday lives. 


I want to demonstrate that social media is just a tool that is manipulated by those who use it. It is not something that has a brain of its own. It’s run by humans. So to sum up, social media is something that was created to make it easier to access things that were difficult to attain.


A digital magazine.


Informative for both sides of viewers. 


6 of these students represent some of the core of what social media is composed of. Strawberry, Orange, Lemon are the positives of social media. Onion, blueberry, and blackberry represent the negatives. Strawberry represents the friendships we get to make through social media. Orange represents the serotine we get when we see something we like on social media. Lemon represents how it brings everything together for example family, friends, or even strangers that eventually become close. Onion represents the sadness we get from social media because lots of it got to do with hate comments. Blackberry represents cyberbullying that takes place on social media and blueberry represents depression we get from social media when we come across something that lowers our self-esteem. 


Rhetorical situation: 

Social media is something that is really common nowadays. It’s a way to conversate or get to know what is going on in the world or what is happening in a friend’s life, or celebrities. It is a way to connect with one another and each other’s culture. Social media is notorious when it comes to controversial topics. Many believe social media is bad for people and it’s negative in general while others disagree.


I thought a poster would be a great genre since it will allow the audience to have a visual understanding of the negatives and positives of my topic on social media. It will have a lot more for the audience to imagine rather than just reading a sentence. 


I am mainly targeting audiences that have a little to a lot of relevance to social media. My poster has an art style of anime that is quite popular among teens and adults, and teens and adults are the ones who use social media regularly and due to anime being popular I will be better able to catch my viewer’s attention and bring my topic to light. 


I want to demonstrate that social media is just a tool that is manipulated by those who use it. It is not something that has a brain of its own, it can have both negatives and positives due to its users. In conclusion, social media was created to make things easier to access that were difficult to attain.  


A digital poster


Information on both positives and negatives of social media. 


While in the research essay, I had to keep writing out all my ideas on paper and outline them to get a better understanding of my topic, through this composition in two genres part I was able to utilize my creativity. During the transition from the research essay to the composition project, I was able to express my ideas more expressively. To portray my ideas, I was free to use whatever creative format or genre I wanted. And that’s exactly what I did. It was great to do something different for a change. 

As my audience consists of different age groups and each has different tastes, it was challenging to develop a message that would appeal to all of them since they each have different opinions and ideologies. By putting pictures of familiar things to my audience, I helped myself overcome those barriers. 

I chose these two genres due to the fact that both of them would have a creative component, where there would be images and descriptions. My audience is primarily on social media, and since social media has almost everything represented visually, the genres I choose would catch their attention right away. Since everything moves so quickly these days, creating genres, for example, posters and magazines, wouldn’t waste time, and people would be more likely to look over them instead of just passing right by them. I used persuasive words, more research, and straight-to-point words. And most likely, it was influential in the way I presented them. 

Personification and simple language would be the best way to achieve my purpose since they will allow the readers to better understand my ideas. Personification would extend the imagination of the readers, making it easier to understand the concepts and ideas since it will bring an object/drawing to life into their thought process. Finally, the use of simple language would make it easier for the readers to understand the thoughts that I am trying to get across.